6 Month Somatic Healing + Restoration Journey for Burned Out Practitioners

This virtual somatic healing journey is an extensive deep dive into inner child healing, emotional healing, energy healing, and trauma healing for healers. In this group, we will heal together and support each other into a life of joy, peace, and freedom using mind-body medicine (hypnotherapy, breathwork, energy healing, meditation, movement, music, etc).
Are you a doctor, nurse, therapist, or other clinician/healer who is completely burned out?
Perhaps you are suffering from panic, anxiety, depression, suicidality, or other mental health issues?
Perhaps you are suffering from physical illness and problems which may be related to deeper emotional issues.
Perhaps you are questioning your profession or your calling and are thinking “I’m not cut out for this. What was I thinking? I didn’t know it would be like this.”
Perhaps you feel that you want to quit your profession all together?
If this sounds like you and you are sick and tired of living and working like this, this program may be for you.
Reclaim yourself and your vitality
Reclaim your heart
Reclaim your passion for serving, but from a place of wholeness and not from your inner wounds
Reclaim your joy and peace
Release the old stories, patterns, and programming
Release stuck energy and repressed emotions from your body / nervous system
Release the BAGGAGE that your body is possibly carrying within, including unprocessed emotional pain + trauma related to your profession, your patients & clients, your adulthood, AND from your childhood
This is a 6 month virtual healing and restoration container for clinicians, which is led by Liz Burkholder, PMHNP, FNP. Liz has been in that space of complete burnout, exhaustion, and wondering, “Where do I go from here?” Through healing her own self, including her childhood trauma and emotional wounds, Liz has been able to reclaim herself and her passion and purpose in life.
This program is not for everyone. It is for those who are ready and willing to dive into the deeper inner work, the emotional work, the inner child work, and the trauma healing work. This work will be done in a very safe container and will be done at your own pace and depth for how deep or far you are willing to go. You just need to come with the courage and willingness to show up for yourself and the rest will unfold.
This is perhaps some of the deepest work you will ever do. We go all the way in to all of the layers: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
There are often very deep core wounds that are at the root of some of these issues. Yes, the medical /mental health /healthcare system itself is one of the big issues. But the truth is that the system is being run by trauma-ridden individuals and in order to heal the system, we need to heal the individuals who are running and working in the system.
There is a great deal of vicarious trauma and vicarious PTSD within clinicians and those working within the helping, healing, and healthcare systems. Often, these professionals are not even aware that they may have vicarious PTSD. They just know they feel anxious (even panicky), overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned out. When we are forced (either by the system or by our own doing) to repress our emotions, negative effects result. Clinicians often do not have the proper resources and spaces to process the pain and traumas that they witness and co-experience with patients on an almost daily basis.
This does not even include any underlying, unhealed /unprocessed childhood trauma they may carry subconsciously, which increases the risk of vicarious PTSD.
On the other side of all of this pain is PEACE, JOY, and FREEDOM!
-20 weekly 2 hour group Zoom sessions. These are not just “information-based” calls. They are EXPERIENTIAL group sessions where we are “doing the work” of diving into our own healing each week. These group calls are deeply healing. We will be doing: Group hypnotherapy, breathwork, inner child work, emotional release work, meditation, journaling, hot seat coaching, small group work, Mastermind groups, and deep connection with like-minded individuals who are also on a healing journey, and so much more.
*Zoom sessions will be on Monday evenings from 5:00pm-7:00pm EST beginning June 2023 (20 sessions total. There will be a few “off” weeks interspersed for integration).
-4 private 1:1 90min sessions to go even deeper into your personal healing outside the group
-Private Facebook group and Voxer support to connect with the group for support
-Access to Liz’s online Inner Child Healing course
-BONUS!!! Weekend Retreat (In-person, in North Carolina, Fall 2023)
A note on group work which can be very scary for people (Hint: this is where so much healing happens):
Group work is where some of the deepest healing can occur because we begin to re-wire our internal neural networks for connection, safety, and vulnerability. Often these connections were severed or underdeveloped because we grew up in families where we were not validated or were not allowed to just be ourselves. We may have learned that it was unsafe to be vulnerable, to share openly, to express emotions, to speak our truth, etc. When we can witness and be witnessed in safe, compassionate spaces, it creates healing on very deep levels for everyone involved.
This group is by application only and there are a limited number of spots. Not everyone is a fit for this container. If you are interested in learning more about this program and doing a consultation call with Liz, please submit this private and confidential form:
*By application only. More details + application here:
OR book a Consultation Call here:
Hypnotherapy: Transpersonal & Trauma Healing Hypnotherapy
Breathwork: GoWithin HypnoBreathwork
Inner Child Work
Emotional Processing Work
Somatic (Body) Release Work
Deep Dive Meditations
Mindful Movement: Yoga, Intuitive Movement
Group Work
Emotional Healing & Unraveling Codependency
Establishing the Container
Creating trust and safety in the group
Establishing privacy and confidentiality
Nervous System Regulation
Shock States (Fight/Flight/Freeze)
Establishing Nervous System Regulation Processes
Creating Internal Safety in the Body and Nervous System
Anchoring into the Heart
Connecting to the Empowered Self
Energy Management for the Empathic Person
Management Your Own Energy
Releasing Others’ Energy & Emotions
Not Absorbing Others’ Energy & Emotions
FEELING without Absorbing
The Power of Emotional Alchemy
Learning to Feel and Express Emotions
Safely Releasing Repressed Emotions & Emotional Energy
Healing Vicarious Trauma & Vicarious PTSD
Grief Release Work
Fear Release Work
Inner Child Healing
Healing Childhood Wounds & Trauma
Meeting + Healing Your Inner Child
The Victim Triangle (Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer)
Breaking out of the Rescuer Mode by Rescuing Your Own Inner Child
Unworthiness Release Work
Anger Release Work
Reparenting and Nurturing the Inner Child
Reclaiming Needs for the Needless / Wantless Inner Child
Continuation of Inner Child + Emotional + Trauma Healing
Shame Release Work
Setting Healthy Boundaries
From Codependency + Ultra-Independency to Inter-dependency
Reclaiming Your Self, Your Heart, and Heart-Centered Service
Self-love, Self-compassion, and Empowerment
Cultivating Self-Love and Self-Compassion
Cultivating Joy, Fun, & Pleasure
Reclaiming Your Voice
Reclaiming Your Inner Power
Reclaiming Your Self
Reclaiming Self Care
Heart-Centered Service
Reclaiming Heart-Centered Service
Living + Working from the Heart
Leading with Soul
Doing what Lights You Up
Serving from a Fulfilled Space
*By application only. Apply here:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

Join me for my upcoming Heal Your Self intensive: A 3 month Journey to Inner Child & Emotional Healing.

Starts 1/30/23
We will meet VIRTUALLY on Mondays from 5pm-7pm EST for 12 weeks.
This immersion program is a deep dive into inner child healing, emotional healing, and trauma healing with Liz Burkholder, NP. We meet virtually via Zoom every week for 2hrs as a group and you also receive monthly individual sessions with Liz.

Enroll in my Intro to Inner Child Healing ONLINE COURSE here:
This course is designed as an introduction to inner child healing using Liz’s GoWithin HypnoBreathwork method. It was created to help people begin their inner child healing journey from the comfort and safety of their own home.
If you have ever been curious about or wanted to do inner child healing, but felt intimidated to start it live in-person, this is an excellent opportunity to dive in from the comfort and safety of your own home.
In this course, I will walk you through very safe, resourced, and gentle, titrated practices using my GoWithin HypnoBreathwork method to start healing your inner child. My intention is that this course will create massive healing for so many people in the world. The whole world is walking around as little wounded inner children in adult bodies. My hope is that this course will begin to help, heal, validate, rescue, nurture, love, and re-parent the parts of ourselves that got “stunted” emotionally, mentally, physically (via dysregulated, stressed nervous systems), and spiritually.