I listened to such an amazing talk yesterday by Dr. Barbara De Angelis, who was one of the pioneers in “consciousness” teaching. She did talks with other pioneers like Dr. Wayne Dyer (who was an early teacher for me) and Louise Hay (whom I didn’t really discover til later).
I had read one of Barbara’s relationship books, “Are You the One for Me?” years ago, when I was in my early 20s and seeking to learn about healthy relationships and how to have them. That book was phenomenal and very impactful for me at that time in my life. Like many of us, I grew up not knowing what a healthy relationship even looked like, but I wanted to learn. I hadn’t had a very good track record and I wanted to change that (which involved LOTS of self-reflection and inner work).
Anyway, I had recently started to wonder whatever happened to Barbara De Angelis. So when I saw that she had a talk on the “Heal Your Life Summit” I had to listen. Apparently, she’s had some amazing growth and experiences over the last 20 years and she’s even more phenomenal now than she was back then.
Her talk, “Showing Up for Your Divine Appointment,” spoke to my soul and to my core. It was so powerful. I almost wish everyone could listen to it, but I know that it’s not for everyone.
She talked about how when we transform ourselves, we transform the world. And she spoke of the quote that says, “Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world,” by Ramana Maharshi.
She talked about how when we are seeking to better ourselves, to heal ourselves, to look inward at ourselves, to make ourselves a better human being, we are living in a place of very high consciousness.
She talked about how when a human being starts to have even the thought of awakening, a cosmic event has already taken place. There has already been a major shift on the soul level. She says that actually waking up and realizing that we have been asleep is the hardest part. The rest is “sailing” (although it definitely doesn’t feel like it at times in this physical realm!). And that, sure, we still have to do some tweaking and polishing of the diamond, but we have already set into motion what we had promised to come here to do.
She talked about how once we start waking up, we have kept our promise to come here and to remember who we are and to stop living as who we are not. We have kept our promise to begin to live with more compassion, more heart, more presence, and more service, and to help others awaken. We have kept our divine appointment with our highest self. To those who have kept your divine appointment, I commend you greatly. You know who you are.
Liz Burkholder, NP
Burkholder Wellness